5x ultratriathlon
19 KM
In a 50-meter pool.
900 kM
On a 9,05 km bike loop.
211 KM
On a 1,22 km run loop.
Ultra Triathlon Switzerland
Challenge Format: 5 consecutive days x (swim 3.8 km + bike 180 km + run 42.2 km)
Date and Location: August 25-29, 2022 | Switzerland
Goal: My goal was to complete one full-distance triathlon every day for 5 consecutive days in under 10 hours each and to become the first person to break the 50-hour total time barrier for this format. Despite the extreme heat and other challenges, I succeeded.
About the Course: The same course was used for all five days.
Swimming: Held in a 50-meter outdoor pool, with 76 laps to be completed each day. The start time was 7:00 AM every morning.
Cycling: Each bike loop was 9.05 km long, requiring 20 loops to complete the daily distance.
Running: Each run loop was 1.22 km, requiring 35 laps to complete the marathon distance (42.204 km).
Weather: It was extremely hot during the competition. Temperatures reached 33°C during the first few days, gradually cooling in the last two. The bike route has several U-turns, so rainy conditions affect the bike times – this time I got away with dry feet on the bike.
Biggest Challenge: On the first day, I had a blister under my little toe, which peeled off during the marathon on the second day. This caused significant pain and discomfort while running the marathons during the last three days.
Result: 49 hours 32 minutes 49 seconds (new world record).
Daily Results:

Gallery (Viktoria Kütt)