Rait Ratasepp, a 36-year-old ultra-triathlete from Estonia, competes at a 40-time ultra-triathlon where he goes through one full-length triathlon every day for 40 consecutive days. At the end of this challenge, he has to swim 152 km, cycle 7200 km and run 1688 km.
On the 18th of October, Ratasepp reached the half-way point. With 20 consecutive triathlons, he broke both personal and current world records. It took him 225 hours, 32 minutes and 41 seconds to swim 76 km, cycle 3600 km and run 844 km.

The official world record for the 20-time Ultra Triathlon in daily format has been set this year by Norbert Lüftenegger in Switzerland. It’s on the low country and in the time of 241:36:45. Ratasepp’s 20x Ultra Triathlon PB was erected last year in the same place as this year’s 40x Ultra Triathlon at Canary Island Fuerteventura. Last year, being the first Estonian to complete 20 full-length triathlons, it took him 238: 52: 34. In this way, Ratasepp set a personal record by 13 hours, 19 minutes and 53 seconds and also beating valid world record by16 hours, 4 minutes and 4 seconds in the 20 days of the current ordeal.
*Although Ratasepp has broken the current world record, Lüftenegger’s 20x ultra-triathlon world record officially remains, as the record-setting IUTA only takes the world record in organized competitions where other athletes are allowed to race as well. However Ratasepp organized a 40-time ultra-triathlon only for himself, as there are no competitions in the world in the format and conditions for which the Estonian was mentally and physically prepared this year.
Ratasepp estimates that if this challenge would take place in milder weather and easier bike profile conditions, his current record could be shifted by another 10-15 hours.
40x Ultra Triathlon finish times for 20 consecutive days:

Day 1: 10:44:52;
day 2: 10:58:12;
day 3 11:04:20;
day 4: 11:06:03;
day 5: 11:21:49;
day 6: 11:45:22;
day 7: 11:30:06;
day 8: 11:38:49;
day 9: 11:27:01;
day 10: 11:19:23;
day 11: 11:21:32;
day 12: 11:29:53;
day 13: 11:20:45;
day 14: 11:06:46;
day 15: 11:19:10;
day 16: 10:59:43;
day 17: 11:15:29;
day 18: 11:20:10;
day 19: 11:21:20 and
day 20: 11:01:56.
- The fastest time for swimming 3.8km, 1:11:49 (day 1).
- The fastest time for cycling 180km, 5:48:07 (day 1).
- The fastest time for running 42.2km, 3:19:14 (day 20).
- Average lowest HR on bike has been 99 (day 18).
- Average lowest HR on run has been 108 (day 19).
Overall fitness has been extraordinary – his muscles are in excellent shape, having fully recovered each night. Running 20 marathons has not reduced any muscle strength. The discomfort has been caused only by the two blisters it has received during its 844 km run.
The biggest test of brain power during this challenge are the strong winds that are common in Fuerteventura Island, which makes cycling particularly difficult. Day 6 of the trial was the windiest, with wind speeds of up to 45km/h.
His biggest challenge within a 40x Ultra Triathlon is to keep the energy spent in balance with the energy consumed. A separate challenge is to consume an average person’s 164 days worth of food just in 40 days!

Ratasepp started with a 40x Ultra Triathlon on September 28 and plans to finish after 40 days on November 6.
The budget for a 40x Ultra Triathlon is over € 35,000. Thanks to the current contributors, Ratasepp has covered the initial costs of the challenge, but the budget is still significantly underfunded. Yet the challenge continues as it cannot be made dependent on the budget, because then many great things will be left unfulfilled. A generous contribution is more than welcome and more information can be found at www.raitratasepp.ee.
Translated from Estonian by Siim Vollmer
Pictures by Jakob Meier