The beginning of the year is a good time for reflection and summaries. Currently, the number ten is emerging in various aspects of my life. It has been ten years since I gave up my full-time legal career and set new priorities in life. While practicing the law continues to hold a important place in my heart and life, it now coexists in combination of my other great passion – ultra sports.
Although I have been actively involved in sports for 23 years, a significant leap forward occurred exactly ten years ago. I am currently in my tenth season in the field of ultratriathlon. So it is perfectly appropriate to take a long look back and see what and how much has been done in that time.

Photo: Jakob Meier
10 years (January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2023) in numbers:
- 10,603 hours of training;
- 8,176 activities;
- 4,867 km of swimming;
- 56,354 km of running;
- 122,941 km of cycling.”
As usual – initially, the volumes grew rapidly and soon reached a plateau. However, to achieve further progress, I had to shift all my focus towards quality, the content, and the structure of my training. Over these ten years, I have experimented with various methods, made numerous mistakes, learned a lot from them, and dared to trust my intuition. During these years, I have consciously trained near the edge of overload, repeatedly pushing my body’s physical and mental limits to the utmost. In doing so, I have remained healthy and avoided injuries, enabling me to consistently engage in training. While I don’t want to jinx it, one of my greatest successes is that I have never had to take a break from sports due to injuries.